Dates: July 23rd -August 23rd Zodiac Symbol: Lion
Zodiac Quality: Fixed Zodiac Element: Fire

The sign of fire. The sign of will. The sign that leads with brilliance, boldness, and beauty.
The sign that leaps forward into their dreams. The sign of generosity, endless love, support, and loyalty. The energy and spirit of a lion.
We are entering the season of Leo. This is the season where we will find ourselves taken over by the energy of confidence. Of taking our dreams and courageously going after them. Where the element of fire will be prevalent in all of our lives.
Leo is ruled by the sun. Think of this summer energy as bold and beautiful. It’s an outward sign. This is the energy that we will be feeling for the next four weeks. In Leo season, here are 5 themes that may be presented to you in your life and a few ways on how to work with those energies.
We can expect these next few weeks to feel BRAND NEW. Think of a sunrise over a mountain first thing in the morning - that feeling of a new day literally dawning.
Coming out of Cancer season, Eclipse season and a Mercury Retrograde we went internal. We had to go back within ourselves in order to purge our old feelings and beliefs that were no longer serving a purpose in our lives. Leo season is all about coming out of that shell. It is a new type of energy that will leave you feeling renewed and restored. Somethings you may end up asking yourself is what new belief or pattern am I ready to take into this next chapter of my life and live it fully? It is worth working with this energy by getting up early, feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin, writing down your biggest dreams and going for them, fully.
GET READY to shine. To take all of that empowering energy you feel now and outpour it to the world. Leo energy gives us this type of confidence to go after all our dreams, to take chances, to be who we are - to our core. Leo’s are simply themselves and lead by that example. So expect that confidence to show up in your body, dreams, aspirations, and in your relationships ... yes, even romantic. Leo season is all about making your dreams your reality. So, ask yourself this how can I be more confident in going after my dreams? Whatever shows up - go with it, unapologetically and full-heartedly. Be consumed by the confidence you have in being your true authentic self. Get out there! Go to new places. Try new things - you never know who you will meet. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Send that DM first. Go on that date. Tell them how you feel. Start that new project. Say YES to the things that excite your soul.
Allow yourself to play this month. Be silly. Let loose. Leo’s energy supports us in getting out there and being playful. That inner child that is within each and every one of us LET IT COME OUT! Lions love to play and Leo teaches us how to have fun throughout the ups and downs of this ride we call life. Being playful is an amazing way to spark joy within us and it actually creates an abundance of happiness. Think, what was your favourite thing to do as a child but always feel like you don’t have the time or energy with newfound responsibilities of adulthood and do it. Go to the beach, play in the sand, go camping, spend time with friends, get naked. Whatever makes you smile from the inside out, do it.
Leo is one of the most creative signs. So, if one of those dreams you wrote down earlier has anything to do with stretching the right side of your brain and creative side, get ready to bring it to life. This energy is filled with creative flow. This month we can expect to feel our creative expression flow from our hearts once again. We recently may have hit a bit of a bump in the road with our creative streak, but don’t worry it’s coming back. Bigger and bolder than ever. Run with this. Leo likes to stand tall and be proud of what they create and you can too! Everyone has a creative outlet. Write. Dance. Sing. Play music. Draw. Paint. Do yoga. Move your body. Take pictures. Cook. Whatever your form of creation is, do it. And in true Leo fashion share it with others. When you create something be brave, get on social media or in front of your friends and share what you have created.
Last but not least. LOVE. Leo is ruled by the heart chakra. This is the part of our body which holds an intense amount of energy. Leo’s are so incredibly loving, generous and supportive. This energy will help us to not only love others but to LOVE OURSELVES boldly. To love the body we are in. To love the life we are creating and to love the people in our lives who make us feel at home. It’s time to reflect on “Am I letting love into my life?”. If not, why or how are you blocking love from entering? Open up that heart! Love yourself and the people in your life a little bit harder physically, emotionally and spiritually. Let your emotions flow generously to yourself so that they can overflow to everything and everyone around you.
Written By: Courtney Burns Photography & Creative Direction: Nikki Dicunto
Models: Keegan Chambers (Born: July 25, 1991) & Dubinia Neeforth (Born: August 11, 1992)